
Information in this website has been provided to be of an informative type and should not be viewed as legal advice relating to any subject matter. Recipients of this information should not act on it without seeking the appropriate legal or professional advice from an attorney licensed in the recipient’s state. The content of the site is of a general nature and may not take into account new legal developments, settlements or verdicts. The owner of this site disclaims all liability to actions that people may take or not take in relation to the content of the site. By just visiting the site no lawyer-client relationship is established or any contract entered into with any lawyer mentioned. The information on this site does not address any specific case and does not constitute legal advice.

Making contact with a lawyer mentioned on this site via phone, email, fax, letter or e-form does not establish a lawyer-client relationship. A lawyer-client relationship is only established when a contract has been signed. The information in this site may not apply to other counties in California and relates to DUI arrests that took place near or in cities in Los Angeles County. Some of the information on the site may be out of date and some errors may be present.

Do not only rely on the comments within this site and you should consult a lawyer. Any lawyer mentioned and the owner of the site take no responsibility for any person and/or property damages that result from using information on this site or sites linked to it.

We cannot guarantee that the information within the site is completely correct or up to date. The outcomes from testimonials on this site are not typical and should not be viewed this way. Ted Burgess is the attorney responsible for the advertisement.